独角兽资讯 发表于 2010-2-13 14:11:00

English Idioms with Tiger



have a tiger by the tail

这个成语和汉语的“骑虎难下”很接近,表示一种潜在的巨大威胁或有很困难的问题需要解决。(To have become associated with something powerful and potentially dangerous; to have a very difficult problem to solve.)例句:You have a tiger by the tail. You bit off more than you could chew.(你现在真是骑虎难下,你没有能力完成你接下的重任。)

值得注意的是,英国佬似乎意识到他们的这句熟语不如汉语的“骑虎难下”更形象,于是,就把这个成语借用到英语里。“骑虎难下”已进入英语。如:1952年版的The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs就有He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount这个词条;1971年版的Common English Proverbs有He who rides a tiger can never dismount词条;1972年版的Mastering Modern English有He who rides a tiger can never get off词条。

A. P. Colquhoun在Master of Pacific一书中,在引用这一成语时还专门注明“中国的成语”:These colonies are a constant and ever-increasing drain on France. They are for her the tiger which she has mounted, (to use the Chinese phrase), and which she can neither manage nor get rid of.(这些殖民地对法国来说是愈来愈重的负担,用中国的成语来形容就是骑虎难下,法国骑在它们身上就是骑在老虎背上,她既管不住它们也甩不脱。)


A: You shouldn't take out another loan. You're already too far in debt. (你不该再借债了,你现在已经债台高筑。)

B: If I don't take out a loan, I can't make the payments on the loans I already have. You know how it is—she who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.(如果我不借钱,就不能还到期的债务,你知道,我现在是骑虎难下了。)

a paper tiger

这就是我们最熟悉的“纸老虎”的意思(a country or organization that seems powerful but is not),是1946年8月6日毛泽东接受美国记者斯特朗的采访时提出的,这次采访被编入《毛泽东选集》第四卷《和美国记者安娜·路易斯·斯特朗的谈话》。1960年,斯特朗在《一个现时代的伟大真理》一文中,回忆起这次谈话说:“毛主席是十四年前在延安时说帝国主义和一切反动派都是纸老虎的。现在这已成为有历史意义的历史名言了。毛主席的一针见血的语句,渊博的知识,敏锐的分析和诗人的想象力,使他的谈话成为我一生中听到的最有启发性的谈话。”

现在,a paper tiger已经在英语中被广泛使用,如:Will the United Nations be able to make any difference, or is it just a paper tiger? (联合国能起作用么?也许它仅仅是只纸老虎。)

fight like a tiger

指拼命争斗或尽一切可能获得某物(attack sb or defend oneself fiercely)。如She fought like a tiger to get what she wanted.(为了得到她想要的一切,她玩命了。)

ride a tiger

比喻采取愚蠢、危险的行动(take a foolish, or dangerous, course of action that is likely to have disastrous results for oneself. )如:

A: I can take it or leave it.(我只是尝尝毒品而已,不会上瘾的。)

B: So you say, but anybody who experiments with drugs is riding a tiger.(可别这么说,那些尝试毒品的人就是在冒险。)

eye of the tiger

这个成语是面对危险的意思。Survivor乐队的一首歌就叫 Eye of the Tiger,歌中唱道:

    It's the Eye of the Tiger,
    It's the thrill of the fight,
    Rising up to the challenge of our rival,
    And the last known survivor
    Stalks his prey in the night,
    And he's watching us all
    With the Eye of the Tiger.

美国总统约翰·肯尼迪说:“那些愚蠢地认为,骑在老虎背上就能拥有绝对权威的人,结果成了老虎的腹中餐。”(Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.)


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